Before understanding how save your computer from hacking, we first understand what is computer hacking?
Computer hacking is a trick to move programmer goal to another way with the help of changing program that original create by the creator. A person who engages into these activities is called a Hacker, who is of curse an expert programmer who regards hacking as an art and as a way to apply their skills in real life situations. But other hackers have far more dangerous objectives than just to demonstrate their skills, like stealing personal information, gaining unauthorized access, access data etc.
Hacking has been a serious and crucial problem. Hacking has gained too much development after the introduction of the internet because of the ease of access to systems around the world which this technology provides. With the increasing use of the internet, hacking has also become a more serious issue in recent days. Hackers are usually young individuals in the field of programming. Also the simple access to any type of information has helped expand expertise in the field of hacking. Now it does not require an expert programmer to hack a computer of private network.
Hackers have become so masters that even giant software associates like Microsoft and google are not safe from this misery, causing losses of millions of dollars every year. The targets are not limited to the private users are also greatly affected by this threat
How to protect yourself against Hacking
Hacking is a critical issue but the process of to protect yourself from hacking is quite simple. Simple care can mean the difference between a full proof secure system and a vulnerable network.
Hackers are always searching for loose and unsecure ends in your security. So it’s important to pay attention to all little things in order to have a full proof security for your data and computer. Virus and Spyware are good Hacker’s tools. Weakening your security and secretly sending your private information in wrong hands. The best way to beat them is to use antivirus, anti spyware software and internet security. It is also important to use updated versions of security software and OS as they lose effectiveness with time. Another good strategy is to use a Firewall to stop unauthorized access to your system. And it is also important to be careful when surfing the internet and using emails. These simple tricks can mean the difference. And remember, Care is Better Than Cure.
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