The main aim of first page of website is to focus your client/audience into a single visit; web design should be attractive and user friendly to attract your audience. My aim to saying this is your website and web design shows your impression and work for your client.
Here are five things for you to check off when designing your first index page.
1. Make easy website route for the user.
The main thing about audience is whenever user trying to watch your website, web design should be attractive and easy to use for user. Then and then user will stay at your site long time see your product. So, you need to remove all difficult parts from website.
Easy to understand website design is most important for client point of view
2. Make easy and brief content.
Write content very brief, and try to keep the viewers above the fold. Easy and directly understand content is eay for client and I personally prefer to use some images that shows about your product. There is no absolute answer to this.
Whenever I browse first page of website online, I always scroll to the last quick just to see how much information there is too read. If it’s a long trip down, I usually sigh to myself and leave the page.
3. Add Value to your text
As in above point I say that use attractive image instead of content. When you use couple an image next to your text, it make the otherwise uninteresting paragraphs seem all the more affordable to read. And half work of reading text is taken by image by showing diagram of process or product.
4. Don’t step over the line
Do not add more content then need. It will become bored for client to read. Try to give short description in your entire product in first home page. Because home page is shows only brief information of your product or work. If the user want to more information then they will goes in detailed description page vie read more tag.
And if the reader is filling one out, it usually means that you successfully seduced him/her down your first page design and past your call to action button.
5. Proof of Privacy
It’s good thing that you have all the document of privacy related and other information related that content or image use in website. If you require forms to be filled out, have a visible link to your privacy policy.
Last but not least you have to make one short summary related your firm and put it on your home page (landing page). This part is important part for client purpose and also for Search Engine Optimization.